Zilele acestea, sub inspiratia primaverii si a altor lucruri care-mi plac, am lucrat la o noua colectie de brose. M-am gandit, atunci cand a fost gata (adica atunci cand am obosit) sa le scot la plimbare in parcul Unirea. Am stat la iarba verde...
Ne-am asezat pe-o banca, sa mai discutam cate ceva cu niste norisori veseli..
Thank you so much. If you are interested, I promise to make one post with instructions. I hope you'll have a joyfull Easter also. In Romanian: "Paste fericit, Sylvia!" Ena
I love these! Maybe you could give directions on how to make them? Have a wonderful Holy Week and Pascha!
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you so much. If you are interested, I promise to make one post with instructions. I hope you'll have a joyfull Easter also. In Romanian: "Paste fericit, Sylvia!" Ena